to help every person on the planet cultivate chosen family
i believe that every human being is hardwired for connection and we crave it now more desperately than we ever have before. after the pandemic and remote work, our communal spaces have disappeared and we spend more time alone at home and on our screens instead. i wake up to a screen, i work on a screen, and i go to bed with a screen - some days without having a real conversation with a real person. in this new world, it's now up to each of us to find ways to connect in person, but we're set up to fail. social media offers us counterfeit connection to keep us glued to our phones, making it easier to keep scrolling than to reach out to a friend and find a way to meet. with the rise of artificial intelligence, we are at risk of becoming even more addicted to our screens and becoming more entrenched in our isolation. technology promised us we would feel more connected. technology has failed on that promise, and it's on track to make things even worse.
f*ck. that. noise.
i envision a world where our tech helps us see the people we love more often, outside and in our local communities. i want tech that is less tapping and swiping on screens, and enables more human connection and taking up physical space. i see a future where everyone's birthright to connection is fulfilled because of artificial intelligence, not in spite of it. i've spent the last decade building tech that brings millions of people together into communities online. i want to spend the next decade building tech that helps people and their communities connect offline. join me in building AI that brings us closer to the people and the world around us.
stop scrolling
get connected

my name is jon and i'm the founder of Rage.
i've been passionate about how technology can bring people together to do amazing things for most of my life. previously, i led consumer engineering at stack overflow for its core q&a product, the world's largest developer community with over 100 million monthly visitors. i'm also the founder of out in tech u, a nonprofit that's helped hundreds of LGBTQIA+ students launch careers in tech. i've seen firsthand how technology can help people find their tribe and feel a deep sense of connectedness and authenticity.